Microblading FAQs

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent brow tattoo performed with a small handheld tool, using a feather stroke technique to produce the appearance of fuller eyebrows or to enhance the natural features of the face.

Microblading can also be called permanent makeup, semi-permanent make up, medical tattooing, micro pigmentation, permanent cosmetics, dermal implantation, long-lasting makeup, eyebrow embroidery, microstroking and cosmetic tattooing!

Is Microblading the same as tattooing on skin?

In principal, nearly - but not quite! In tattooing, permanent inks are used whereas in Microblading, pigments are used, which gently fade over time (i.e., not permanent).

Is Microblading the same as Permanent Makeup?

Yes - Microblading is the permanent makeup which you have on your eyebrows - literally micro (small) blades which create brushstrokes resembling hair.

Do Microblading practitioners have to be trained and accredited?

Yes - always use a trained and qualified microblading practitioner like Sue Atkinson (click here to see Sue’s qualifications).

What is the Microblading process?

  1. You have an initial (free of charge) consultation where we discuss everything with you in detail - your suitability, what you would like to achieve, medical information and more. Only after this are you and Sue able to say if Microblading is for you.

  2. Your first microblading appointment lasts approximately 2 hours. We’ll start by drawing on where the pigment will go. You’ll be able to look at this to make absolutely sure that is what you want - this is the best bit! You can be sure that you are getting what you want. Sue then micro blades over the drawn lines.

  3. When you first leave after microblading, your eyebrows do not look the way they end up - this is really important to know this. During the healing process, they can look darker than the end realist or lighter - it’s all part of the process.

  4. Probably no more than after a couple of weeks after your first appointment, the healing process is finished and your eyebrows will look very close to the end result.

  5. We then have a follow-up session (included in the price), where we go over any areas which need it, including paying special attention to the finest details and individual hairs! Sue is very picky about this - which is why she is so good!

Can I have Microblading if I have alopecia?

Microblading can help those with trichotillomania, alopecia, albinism and especially for those with very thin, fine, patchy or pale hair. Always consult medical advice from your doctor or specialist if you are at all worried.

Does Microblading hurt?

Clients tell us that it isn’t very painful - we use excellent numbing cream and the procedure feels like small scratches. One of the best ways we’ve heard it described is “…it hurt less than a tattoo but more than pinch”.

Will it be obvious that I’ve had Microblading done?

Not if you don’t want it to be! An expert microblading artist like Sue Atkinson is exactly that - an artist. She will create the look you are going for, whether that’s natural and soft, or perfectly groomed and impactful.

Different styles of microblading (click to enlarge):

Our final thought on Microblading is that if it’s good enough for Helen Mirren, it’s goo enough for us!

“I’ll tell you what I had done recently, which I love — I got my eyebrows tattooed. I was fed up of my brows barely being there and when one of my girlfriends got it done, I thought that they looked great. They’re very lightly and delicately done — but it means that when I get up in the morning and I have no make-up on, at least I have eyebrows. It’s made a huge difference.” (Daily Mail)

If you’re looking for Microblading in Sheffield, get in touch with Sue Atkinson Aesthetics & Wellness Clinic. Your free consultation awaits!


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