9 Ways to Look After Your Skin in Winter

Yes we all feel like hiding under a blanket, but we do have to venture out! It’s more important to look after our skin in Winter. Here Dr Justine Hextall, consultant dermatologist on behalf of The Harley Medical Group and independent dermatologist Dr Beibei Du-Harpur explain why.

1. Keep wearing the SPF!

”Just because it is winter, it doesn’t mean you should put away your suncream. While there is less UVB around in winter, levels of UVA (or UV-Ageing as it is known in the dermatology world) are still significant enough to age our skin. I advocate using a sunscreen.”

2. A great time for skin treatments

”Winter is a great time of year for skin treatments. We may worry about peels and laser treatments in the summer months. With sun exposure before or after such procedures there is a higher risk of unwanted post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Autumn and winter therefore represents an opportunity.”

3. Keep hydrated

“Your skin will become drier and often more sensitive with the onset of colder weather and central heating. Make sure you keep hydrated during the day; swap your coffee for green tea which has great antioxidant effects. Gentle cleansing is a must: you need your skin barrier to be as healthy as possible so that it can retain vital moisture.”

4. Tweak your daily skincare routine

“If you are having to apply a moisturiser during the day it is likely your skin routine needs tweaking. If you're using a lotion, try swapping it for a cream, massaging it into your skin for 30 seconds to maximise its effects.”

5. Layer up at bedtime

Dr Du-Harpur says: “My number one tip is to embrace using a more occlusive, rich product, especially for the evening routine, which can help maintain the skin barrier and prevent the need for prescribed treatments. Similarly, products marketed as ‘recovery masks’ often contain rich ingredients that are great for moisturising.”

We recommend Environ Focus Care Moisture+ Alpha Hydroxy Night Cream.

6. Book in for a facial

“Winter skin is often dull, so I recommend a professional facial about every four weeks," advises Dr Hextall. "That’s how long it takes your skin to move through the full life cycle of skin cell growth. Regular facials will help to keep your skin clean, clear and hydrated while maximising your everyday skincare regime, too.”

7. Protect lips from ‘lick eczema’

“Licking sore lips will only exacerbate dryness and can cause what is referred to as ‘lick eczema’," explains Dr Hextall. "Make sure your lips are sealed with an effective ointment at all times, particularly before eating and drinking, as some foods, like tomatoes, can irritate chapped lips.”

8. Prevent dry, chapped hands

“Hands are very high risk for becoming chapped and sore in winter”, says Dr Hextall. "New mothers constantly washing hands often come and see me in the winter months. My advice is to avoid baby wipes, as they can contain preservatives that trigger hand eczema, and for everyone to wear gloves when washing.”


9. Consider a foot peel

Dr Hextall confirms that feet often become dry and cracked when the temperature drops. "Exfoliating frequently and applying an effective moisturiser always helps, but for many there just aren’t enough hours in the day. This is where the Foot Peel comes in.”

“I hope that these tips keep your skin luscious in winter! Hope to see you soon.”

Sue x

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